Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

By entering this site, you acknowledge and agree to all terms and conditions stated herein.

Fashion Panda is the copyright owner of everything on this site and no portion of this site, including but not limited to the text, images, audio or video, as may be used in any manner or for any purpose, without Fashion Panda's express written permission.

Without in any way waiving any of Fashion Panda's rights, you may download, print copy of the information on this site for your personal and non-commercial home use only, provided you do not delete or change any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices. You are not authorized to distribute text or graphics to others, copy this information on any other server or modify or reuse text or graphics on this or any other system, without express written permission of Fashion Panda.

While Fashion Panda makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that all materials in the site are accurate and correct, but no guarantee or warranty either express or implied is provided as regard its accuracy, substantiality and completeness. It should not be relied on for any specific purpose.

Fashion Panda reserves the right to revise this legal information at any time for any reason and reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice or obligation, to any of the information contained on this site, including but not limited to product specifications, quality, samples, accessories, materials or other product or service features. By entering this site, you acknowledge and agree that you shall be bound by any such revisions. We suggest you periodically visit this page of the site to review these terms and conditions.

Your privacy is most important to us. This privacy policy is intended to give you confidence in protecting the privacy and security of your personal information with us.